segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

André Martins Website project update

   Final render image for André Martins website. The phone has been changed by a new 3d model (samsung galaxy), to better suite the André Martins website contacts layout. Textures were added to the paper sheets on the board, some cables were also added and the plastic material for the cables was tweaked to have more reflections. The cables are made of splines. A pencil cup holder, with it's pencils, was also added for more realism.

cadartet computer desk 3d model 3dsmax vray

The scene was rendered with vray and was lighten up by 1 direct light for the sun, passing through a window, and 2 vray lights, one at the window on the left back and the other on the far right back of the image.

 -= CADartet Design Labs =-

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